LNW Workgroups, Board, and Quarterly Meetings

Use Lavender Northwest’s Google Calendar to plan your attendance at our scheduled meetings.

You can click on a specific meeting to access the internet links that allow you to join.

  • QUARTERLY MEETINGS: LNW plans its general membership meetings at convenient times of the year.  The Winter meeting is held online, and occurs in late January or early February with a focus on early planning for the new season.  The Spring meeting is variable in structure, but intended to help members with final planning and preparation for the upcoming lavender season; it is held in mid to late April.  As the season winds down, the online Summer meeting is geared toward timely feedback on the current season, in mid to late August.  Finally, the Autumn meeting in early October involves a big in-person gathering at a selected regional location.
  • BOARD MEETINGS: LNW’s Board of Directors meets about 11 times per year, usually on the second Tuesday of each month, with some adjustment during the busy time of lavender season.
  • WORKGROUP MEETINGS: The various LNW workgroups meet online on a monthly basis with some flexibility during lavender season.  In general, the Capacity workgroup meets the first Thursday of each month, followed by the Internet workgroup on second Thursdays, and finally the Community and Branding workgroups on third Thursdays.  Meetings are intended to last no more than an hour, and occur almost always in the early evening.
  • OTHER MEETINGS: Special sessions for specific purposes or for sub-committee work are scheduled as needed.